Real people. Real issues. Real results.
We are a full-service firm with over 19 years of extensive experience in complex family law litigation, jury trials, appeals, and more.
Board Certified
Comprehensive Services
Family law matters can be challenging and involve significant emotional and economic uncertainty. With a courteous, confident, and professional approach, we’re ready to help you through this difficult time as efficiently and effectively as possible. Receive an accurate and honest assessment of your case, a clear plan of action to get you what you deserve, and a lasting appreciation for a law firm that’s dedicated to you—every step of the way.
Counties Served

Family Matters.
Family law is an evolving legal practice area that is influenced by statutory changes, appellate case law, accounting standards, and even social sciences. We regularly comment on the latest rulings, news and developments in our Family Matters blog.
Practice Areas
From the wide-ranging issues of divorce to the delicate nature of child support and child custody, McFarland Law Firm, P.C. focuses on a variety of issues and cases dealing directly and indirectly with matters of family law.
Child Custody
Child custody may be initially rendered in a Divorce or a Suit to Establish the Parent Child-Relationship, which is a custody case between unmarried parties.
Child Support
A child support order may be initially rendered in a Divorce or a Suit to Establish the Parent-Child Relationship, which is a custody case between unmarried parties.
Spousal Support
Spousal support may be awarded in cases where the parties have been married more than 10 years or a spouse has been convicted of or received deferred adjudication for a crime of family violence.
Grandparent Visitation
Grandparents have the right to file a lawsuit for visitation and managing conservatorship of a grandchild in certain circumstances OR if both parents consent to the grandparent filing a suit.
Domestic Violence
The Texas Family Code has special provisions for relationships where domestic abuse has occurred or is alleged.
Parents have a right to have their prior custody and child support orders reviewed when there has been a change in circumstances.
Interstate Issues
When a child custody case involves individuals in different states, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) determines jurisdiction.
Hague Convention
International child abduction and child custody is governed by the international treaty of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction.
If a parent has not complied with an order for possession and access to a child or an obligation to pay child support, and that parent does not have a valid defense, then the Court may fine or jail a non-compliant parent.
Family Matters
Latest rulings, news and developments from R. Shane McFarland and industry-wide experts.
New Rule About Zoom Hearings
The Texas Supreme Court has propagated a new Rule to codify rules about when a zoom hearing can be authorized. When COVID began, the Texas Supreme had authorized zoom hearing by a series of emergency orders. The new rule in short allows the parties to agree to a...
Travis County Family Law Cases to Return to in Person Hearings
Beginning February 1, 2023, all Travis County Family Law Cases will return to in person hearings. Since March 2020, Travis County has been operating almost all hearings on the zoom platform. Initially this was in response to the COVID pandemic, but continued due to...
Why to avoid subjective terms in your possession schedule
The standard possession order allows parents to agree to alternate periods of possession if they reach an agreement. That's common sense. When parents do not agree it's sometimes suggested that a therapist, the child, or some other third party dictate what the...